The G-stack collaboration, in its first publication:
On the Masses and Modes of Decay of Heavy Mesons Produced by Cosmic Radiation; JH Davies et al, Il Nuovo Cimento, serie X, Vol 2, pp1063-1103, Novembre 1955;
had all of 36 named authors, 10 from Bristol, 6 from Copenhagen, 3 from DIAS (including the present writer), 3 from UCD, 9 from 4 locations, three in Italy and one in Brussels, and 5 from 2 other Italian locations.
This was perhaps a precursor of some of the massive collaborations which have developed in the European Union research community. It is interesting however how it was possible a group of 9 people, located in Brussels, 2 Milano locations, and Genova to work as an integrated team, led by Occialini, while the 2 Dublin groups, separated by 5 minutes walk, led by O Ceallaigh and Nevin, insisted on their separate identities. It says something about Irish academic politics.
The main result of this work was to establish the existence of 2 modes of decay where the secondary particle had a single well-defined energy, one being a mu-meson of 155 MeV, the other being a pi-meson of 109 MeV. It was also established that a small percentage of the mesons decayed to an electron and 2 other bodies, probably neutrinos, with a continuous spectrum up to about 160MeV. The details of these many-body decay spectra were subsequently elucidated using the artificial beams of mesons which soon came on stream from the big accelerators. Sail was overtaken in the end by steam.

This PhD photo, taken in the TCD front square, includes Mairin my wife, my mother Claire and my father Joe.
The present writer profited by the foregoing to the extent that it enabled him to carve a PhD thesis out of refinements in the experimental technology. Protons and pi-mesons coming to rest in ionographic emulsion are useful calibration signals, their masses being known exactly. The mass of an unknown particle can be estimated by multiple scattering measurements, provided the particle comes to rest. One uses 'cells' of varying length, such as to give 'constant sagitta' (ie as the particle slows down, and its path becomes more tortuous, you reduce the cell size to keep the average 'sagitta' a constant). The scattering is due to the electrical forces exerted on the particle by the clouds of electrons surrounding the atoms of the emulsion. It obeys a statistical distribution known as the 'Moliere', which has a 'long tail'. The latter is due to the fact that occasionally the stopping particle passes near to the nucleus of an atom, and suffers a wide-angle 'Rutherford' scattering, so called because it was by this means that Rutherford had earlier established that an atom had a nucleus. These occasional wide-angle 'direct hits' however were destructive of the accuracy of 'multiple coulomb scattering' for measuring masses of stopping particles. We got rid of them by using a 'cut-off' procedure; if a scatter was, say, 4 times the mean value, we declared it to be 'Rutherford' and kicked it out from the statistics. This however introduced an error, and the object of my work was to establish what this was, and enable people to correct for it.
This was boring but essential work, and the G-stack team depended on it. It also was useful in later life, when dealing with 'dirty statistics' emerging from techno-economic models, in business investment decisions. I regard this as an important argument for the utility of so-called 'pure science', additional to the intrinsic interest of the results. The paper was published:
A Scattering Calibration Experiment; RHW Johnston, n2 del Supplemento al Vol 4 Serie X del Nuovo Cimento, pp456-459, 1956.
I also profited by the G-stack work, in that we were able to use the mono-energetic pi and mu meson decay products of our K-mesons to produce a very exact ionisation-velocity curve on the low-energy side of minimum ionisation, up to about three times the minimum level. This was extremely useful, and rapidly became a standard curve used in all laboratories where ionisation was the measure of particle velocity. We measured ionisation using O Ceallaigh's 'mean gap length between developed grains' procedure, which he had earlier established as being statistically the most reliable. Jerry Daly in the DIAS workshop had developed a micrometer eyepiece, with spiders webs, which enabled the mean gap length to be measured rapidly and accurately. This also became standard equipment, and we exported it to some of the other labs in the G-stack group. This work we published, and I regard this as being my best from this period:
On the Relation between Blob-density and Velocity of a Singly Charged Particle in G-5 Emulsion; G Alexander and RHW Johnston, Il Nuovo Cimento, Serie X, Vol 5, pp363-379, Febbraio 1957.
Gideon Alexander was an Israeli student who joined us for a time; he subsequently may perhaps have become influential in the nuclear physics establishment in Israel, perhaps with nuclear weapons, I hope not, if so, it would be on my conscience that I had helped him establish himself in that mode!
Jack Lynch, later to be Taoiseach, was at that time Minister for Education. O Ceallaigh had to spend a lot of his time defending the very existence of the DIAS, and on one occasion the Minister Lynch visited the place. He encountered Gideon and the present writer working on the foregoing, and we explained to him as best we could what was going on. It became clear from his contribution to the conversation that he regarded Gideon as a 'foreign expert' we had brought in, this then being the dominant Establishment attitude to science. It never occurred to them that the DIAS was a place to which foreigners came to learn, from people like O Ceallaigh, Pollak, Synge and Lanczos who were, in their own scientific fields, world figures.
After the Berkeley 6 GeV accelerator became operative, there was a brief flowering the the ionographic emulsion culture, from which we benefited. A focused beam of positive K-mesons was set up, and we exposed a large stack of emulsion to it, using the status of the G-stack group as leverage. Thus, using O Ceallaigh's personal network, we were in a position to make use of the most advanced US-based technical resources, at marginal cost.
We analysed 3300 K+ decays, using careful statistical tricks to eliminate bias (O Ceallaigh was an expert at this), and using the techniques of mean gap length and Coulomb scattering which we had earlier developed to a fine art. From the analysis of 3300 K-meson decays we were able to determine a good estimate of the relative abundances of the decay modes; the decay mode giving an electron of variable energy up to about 250 MeV amounted to about 5%; we had pioneered the identification of this process with a single example in 1954. For our work on the energy spectra of the 3-body decay modes the Alexander and Johnston paper above was the key tool. This however was the swan-song of the use of emulsion in this context; the bubble chamber, in a magnetic field, later took over, with much higher precision.
We noticed in passing that the pi-mesons secondary to K-decay appeared to be about three times as interactive as the norm, and we chased this hare for a while, but as more statistics came in, the signal evaporated. We did however mention it cautiously in the published paper:
The Relative Frequencies of the Decay Modes of Positive K-Mesons and the Decay Spectra of Modes K-mu-3 and K-beta; G Alexander, RHW Johnston and C O Ceallaigh, Il Nuove Cimento, Serie X, Vol 6, pp 478-5000, Settembre 1957.
The work of the 'scanning' team was of course crucial to this analysis; they were acknowledged in the paper: Mairin Johnston, Joan Keefe, Moira O'Brien, Phyl Leahy and Peggy O'Hea. We had something here of the positive atmosphere identified by JD Bernal as typifying true science: a sense of camaraderie and team-work between scientists and technicians, with mutual respect for each others' disparate skills.
By this time we had passed the peak of the utility of ionographic emulsion technology; from now on it was a rearguard action to stay in the game at all. O Ceallaigh began to turn his attention to issues like the mass-spectrum of the cosmic ray heavy primaries, while I attempted to make something of the high-energy side of the minimum of the ionisation curve, without much success. As a by-product of the earlier work we re-looked at the K+ decays:
A Search of the Existence of Asymmetries in Positive K-Meson Decay; A Wataghin, G Alexander and RHW Johnston, Il Nuovo Cimento, Serie X, Vol 7, pp128-131, Genniao 1958;
but this was a wild goose chase; the effect might have existed had the beam been polarised, and the K-meson had spin 1. Presumably it gave some thesis fodder for Wataghin, who had come from Sao Paulo in Brazil and was working with Powell in Bristol.
The G-stack collaboration, with variable composition, produced 3 more papers on negative K-mesons:
The Interaction and Decay of K- mesons in Photographic Emulsion;
Part 1, General Characteristics of K- Interactions: B Bhowmik et al, Il Nuovo Cimento, Serie X, Vol 13, pp690-729, Agosto 1959;
Part 2, The Emission of Hyperons from K- interactions at rest: B Bhowmik et al, Il Nuovo Cimento, Serie X, Vol 14, pp315-364, Ottobre 1959;
Part 3 has no additional sub-title, but is in effect an addendum to part 2: D Evans et al, Il Nuovo Cimento, Serie X, Vol 15, pp873-898, Marzo 1960;
We participated in this work, though without great enthusiasm. It is of interest to note the composition of the authoring groups:
Part 1: Bristol had 7, DJ Prowse leading; there was one M René in Brussels; DIAS had the same triplet as above; UCD had Denis Keefe on his own; a group of 6 in University College London led by EHS Burhop had joined; there were 5 from Occialini's Milano group, and another 5 from Padova.
Part 2 had the same team, while Part 3 was somewhat attenuated: the Bristol group under Prowse was reduced to 4, the London group was reduced to 4, Burhop having left; the Milano and Padova groups were reduced to 2 each.
There were tantalising hints of phenomena such as parity violation which were subsequently established using the big accelerators; the main contribution was to establish that the K- when it came to rest and interacted with a nucleus routinely generated a sigma hyperon, and it proved possible to estimate the lifetime of the latter. This work was however rapidly superseded by the accumulating bubble-chamber material at the major accelerators, CERN and Berkeley. On the whole I jumped ship at the right time.
There was a paper produced for the second UN Geneva Conference in the 'Atoms for Peace' series, which took place in 1959. It was a re-working of the combined DIAS and UCD work:
Investigation of the Strong and Weak Interactions of Positive Heavy Mesons; G Alexander, F Anderson, RHW Johnston, D Keefe, A Kernan, J Losty, A Montwill, C O Ceallaigh and M O'Connell; Pergamon Press, 1959.
This I suspect was a political nod in the direction of the United Nations, Ireland having recently joined. O Ceallaigh probably delivered the paper; I don't think any of the others got to go. It could also have been a device by O Ceallaigh to try to draw to the attention of the Government that there was world-class scientific work going on in Ireland, on a shoestring. He had recently reported to the Government on the question of what to do about the offer by the US of a 'research reactor', as part of the promotional process for nuclear energy. O Ceallaigh pointed out in his Report that the cost of this 'gift' to the Government would be more than the total current funding for science in Ireland, and it therefore should be rejected, until such time as they set up a science budget fit to accommodate it. This episode I suspect must have influenced the Government to commission the subsequent 1964 OECD Report 'Science and Irish Economic Development', by Patrick Lynch and HMS 'Dusty' Miller, which in turn influenced the setting up of the National Science Council in 1970.
My last scientific paper is filed, in draft form, with some O Ceallaigh correspondence; he was in the end not happy to publish it because it was inconclusive. We had reached the fringe of applicability of the experimental technology, and were attempting to quantify the 'relativistic rise' on the high-energy side of the minimum. Prowse has supplied the raw material. We had in fact gone up a cul-de-sac, and O Ceallaigh recognised it:
On the Ionisation-Velocity Relation in Photographic Emulsion for Singly Charged Particles, 1961, unpublished, with MA Shaukat (DIAS) and D Prowse (UCLA).
A by-product of the foregoing was an opportunity to develop what amounted to an early on-line computer for analysing the multiple scattering results as they came out of the microscope, relieving us of a boring chore. I used dekatron tubes as decimal memory, borrowing a Harwell procedure. The programming steps were under the control of an electro-mechanical stepping switch, as used in telephone exchanges. Programming was by plug-board. It worked satisfactorily, and was fun to build. I published a paper on it subsequently; it is referenced also in the techno-economic series in the hypertext, and is available in abstract:
A Special-Purpose Computer for the Analysis of Measurements of Multiple Scattering in Photographic Emulsion, paper by RJ in Electronic Engineering, June 1963.
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Copyright Dr Roy Johnston 1999