Century of Endeavour
'In Search of Techne'
Ch 4.6 - The Sea
(c) Roy Johnston 1999
(comments to
July 15 1970
...Among the smaller items (in the June Technology Ireland) there
is a sharp little note about the closure of the Baile Chonghaoile
seaweed factory. This exposes the existence of an international
monopoly in the processing of seaweed to give high-grade alginate
material (an important raw material in the food processing industry).
Irish producers to date have been forced to sell their output of dried
unrefined seaweed to this group at a low price. Baile Chonghaoile had
made an effort to form a producers' association (with R and D
potential) for the purpose of upgrading the output of the Irish
industry. This was apparently not successful. The bulk of Irish
produce still goes for animal feed.
Laminaria (sea-rods) exist in 'meadows' off the Clare coast.
They are currently, however, harvested off the Donegal coast and
shipped by coaster to the factory at Cill Chiarain, Co Galway.
The Japanese have developed a method of farming and mechanically
harvesting laminaria.
Here we have a source of wealth which, if exploited to the full
in an organised and co-ordinated manner, would help the industrial
transformation of the West. Yet the responsibility for research and
development of marine resources is scattered between the Geological
survey Office, Bord Iascaigh Mara(1) and the Fisheries Section of the
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, with an Foras Taluntais
occasionally involved, to the extent of seaweed survey work down to
the low-tide level; this excludes laminaria.
Technology Ireland draws attention to this multiplicity of effort
and calls for the establishment of a Marine Research Institute along
the lines of an Foras Taluntais.
The article also draws attention to UCG having an interest,
without going into detail. This reference is to the Marine Biology
Research Station at Maoinis, which has been built up as a result of
the efforts of Professor O Ceidigh, of the Zoology Department. This
has been financed by government money, and is carrying out basic and
applied research, the results being open to all. Currently the centre
attracts students from Swansea and Cambridge, as well as locals.
The site has potential for development as an international
centre; owing to the presence of unpolluted water and every possible
variety of marine habitat. The Botany Department also has an interest
in the centre, some research in alginate extraction has been done in
UCG in the past(2), including some done recently in connection with
the Baile Chonghaoile firm mentioned above.......
December 2 1970
I have in the past referred to oceanography as a possible area of
interdisciplinary research; it is good to see that a chair has been
created in Galway to fill this gap. Its first occupant is Dr Brian
Bary, a New Zealander with many years experience. His primary
qualification is in Zoology; he has worked in Vancouver, Edinburgh,
at the UK National Institute of Oceanography in Surrey, in the Royan
Navy, as well as in his native country.
He has made his life-work the study of the dynamics of the growth
and movement of plankton, and has developed techniques for measuring
their population density using sonar. The distribution of plankton is
of fundamental importance, as it determines the distribution of fish.
Professor Bary's current research programme includes the
surveying of Galway Bay, going 15 to 20 miles offshore in order to
determine the oceanic influences on the movements of sediments,
plankton, fish and, ultimately, bottom fauna (ie lobsters etc). This
work is complementary to that of Professor O Ceidigh, who runs the
marine biology research station at Maoinis (cf July 15). Professor O
Ceidigh looks at the life-cycle of the organism, Professor Bary at its
relationship to the dynamics of the environment.
Current research involves the use of the UCG vessel, which is a
converted 50-ft cabin cruiser. This is not an all-weather vessel;
Professor Bary has plans for a three-stage build-up: initially a
70-ft vessel robust enough to enable the necessary heavy gear to be
mounted.... later a 110-ft vessel....and ultimately a national
project costing £0.75M involving a 170-ft vessel, which would
put Ireland in the world oceanographic league.
This level of expenditure can be justified if the potential of
the Continental Shelf as a whole is taken into account, and if there
are means under national control for its realisation. This, of
course, is the controversial area: we should not be spending money on
research for the benefit of other States or for the multinationals.
A two-stage link between the university and the productive
process is needed. An Institute of Applied Marine Science at Galway
could provide this link. Such a body could own and operate the
equipment, financing it with a levy on the national fish catch, making
its economically useful findings available exclusively to Irish
fishing co-ops. The equipment could be made available to the
university research people at marginal cost; no-one in the Irish
scientific scene could then complain that here was one university
department controlling more than its fair share of equipment.
The type of equipment used, other than the traditional
plankton-nets and sample-bottles, suggests potential for the
developmnet of bridges into physics and geology. Probes for sending
up physical measurements by telemetry are worthy of the attention of
the applied physicist; there is always room for improvements in
sensitivity and reliability in instrumentation. Conversely, the type
of instrumentation already in use by oceanographers (this includes
sonar etc) is capable of showing up features of geological interest on
and below the sea-bed.
Not only can the plankton layer be seen with sonar, but the
details of the feeding habits of the fish can be recorded.....
Work close to this field has been done by Professor Thomas Murphy
in the DIAS, using explosions as energy-source, and using British
survey vessels. This work is orientated towards the deep-seated
geological features, and is complementary to the type of surface
feature that ship-bourne sonar shows up......
Another bridge into physics is the question of the energy-balance
between the air and the sea; this has importance for long-term
weather-forecasting. An important element in this relationship is the
sea as a source of condensation nuclei; these are tiny salt-crystals
from evaporated sea-spray which are carried into the air and which act
as centres for the formation of raindrops. There is a long tradition
of the study of condensation nuclei in Ireland, going back to J J
Nolan of UCD. It flourished in the Dublin Institute of Advanced
Studies under the late Professor Pollak, who was one of the 'grand old
men' of scientific meteorology. (Visiting American scientists in the
fifties, with hot news about a 'new' technique, were regularly
deflated with a guttural 'we did that in Wien in 1906'). With Pollak
was Dr Tom O'Connor, who is now in the UCG Physics Department. So
undoubtedly the potential exists for a physical oceanography group.
Appointments to the Galway school are likely to be on a dual or
secondment system, eg 'physics and oceanography'. This may create
problems in university politics (knowing the Irish scene), but all
things are possible with goodwill; the potential benefits to many
scientific disciplines, and to the economy of the region, should be
large enough to over-ride the administrative problems.
Finally, regarding the idea of an Institute of Applied Marine
Science, I am informed that Mr Haughey(3) as early as 1961 designated
a Galway site for this project, and that nothing has been heard of it
since. Possibly we will start hearing of this again soon?
September 9 1970
I acknwledge receipt of a draft report by F B Cahill of the IIRS
which will interest Dr de Courcey Ireland, who has been campaigning
for twenty years that Ireland should take an interest in the sea.
It is a review of marine science and technology in Ireland, and
it enbodies the results of a survey of all bodies with marine
interests. It comes to the conclusion that this area is sadly
neglected, and makes the case for a body to co-ordinate the national
effort in marine science and technology.
I intend to postpone reviewing this report until it appears in
its final form; in the interim, I may draw on it from time to time,
insofar as it is relevant to topics discussed here. Some points are
worth quoting: '...when it comes to allocation of concessions on an
area of continental shelf over which we have jurisdiction, we are in
the unhappy position of having no idea what we are selling....'
'.....the deplorable state of hydrographic publications relating to
the Irish coast is already well known.. Little or no work, except on
a local basis, has been done for over 50 years....' '....only 15% of
the fish taken within 20 miles of our coast is currently being caught
in Irish boats...'
On coastal oil pollution: '....there is no sign that any of
these recommendations (by the Working Group on Oil Pollution) are
being implemented, despite the presence of all the ingredients of a
major oil disaster'.
The independence and criticality of this draft report augurs well
and stands to the credit of the Technical Information Division of the
June 30 1971
Regrettably I missed the Marine Resources seminar last week (June
22-23), being unavoidably out of the country. The reports of the
various papers have appeared as news items.
May I take the (belated) opportunity to acknowledge receipt from
Captain RH Connell last December of a copy of his submission to three
government departments.... on the deplorable state of our
hydrographic charts?
Captain Connell will have the pleasure of knowing that at last he
is beginning to be listened to, as he was one of the principal
speakers at the seminar. The closing address was given by Mr PJ
Lalor TD, Minister for Industry and Commerce.
Some of the charts currently in use are over 100 years old. The
most dangerous hazards are the shifting features of the east coast,
where there is the highest density of shipping. But even the
relatively stable west can hardly expect to remain unchanged over 100
years. Do we have to wait until a 300,000 ton tanker hits a rock, or
goes aground on a sandbank, before we realise that we have a national
responsibility to update the charts, and to maintain resources of our
own for doing so, so that our own reservoir of marine experience can
be strengthened?
Dr de Courcey Ireland's catalogue of immediate needs (strengthen
the short-route trade fleets, education of public opinion, ensure
high-quality marine personnel etc) seems so obvious that one wonders
why all this has not been done long ago. Was there, perhaps, some
secret clause in the 1921 Treaty which put obstacles in the way of
Irish maritime development, in the British strategic interest?
November 17 1971
...I want to sound another urgent warning-bell. Perhaps this
will be listened to now that natural gas has been found off the Cork
coast, and the continental shelf has been recognised, belatedly, as an
The finding of these resources depends on an understanding of the
fundamentals of the processes at work. The geology of the continental
shelf, as indeed the geology of the lower carboniferous, depends on
understanding what goes on in the sea.
We have enticed a distinguished oceanographer, Professor Brian
Bary, to come to Galway. We pay him a salary, and give him a room.
He is however still awaiting access to a worthwhile research
vessel; after two years nothing has happened.... There needs to be
some re-appraisal of the mechanism for formulating our science policy.
A body which can declare marine research a priority, and then leaves
our one oceanography department without a boat, deserves a serious
enquiry into its credentials.
Perhaps the economics of the continental shelf geology, if it
comes to be regarded as important, will enable an Earth Sciences fund
to be set up, out of which an oceanographic research vessel might
February 23 1972
I am lost in admiration at the skill with which some of our more
experienced scientific administrators can engage in the gentlemanly
art of preventing things from happening outside their own little
territories. Last Friday I witnessed a piece of chairmanship which
deserves a prize for the sharpest balloon-pricking job of the year.
It deserves to backfire.
Dr AEJ Went, head of the scientific section of the Fisheries
Division of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, has a team of
13 scientists, all biologists. According to the Royal Irish Academy
Research Register, there are eight marine and five freshwater. The
Inland Fisheries Trust employs four more freshwater biologists, and
the Salmon Research Trust of Ireland in Mayo employs two.
The above does not seem to me to be an unduly heavy investment in
applied science for the study of our marine and freshwater resources.
One would imagine that a project to provide a properly equipped
floating laboratory, for the use of all branches of science with an
interest in the sea, would receive support from Dr Went.
Such a project was outlined by Professor Bary, of University
College Galway, in the two Joly Memorial Lectures at TCD on Thursday
and Friday of last week.
In the first lecture he outlined what the term 'oceanography' has
come to mean: a co-ordinated interdisciplinary approach, from the
specialist disciplines of physics, chemistry, botany, zoology,
geology, to the study of the complex three-phase dynamic system
popularly known as the sea.
In order to do this, it is necessary to provide a research
vessel, designed as such, which would be available as a specialist
service to all university departments having a marine element in their
courses.....such a floating laboratory would encourage a trend towards
marine science, a desirable interdisciplinary concentration from which
the nation would benefit. This concentration exists already in Galway
and it would make sense to base the vessel there.
Professor Bary envisages the vessel as not 'belonging to his
Department' (as hostile critics were putting about), but as part of a
Marine Research Institute, carrying out the basic descriptive and
quantitative work necessary as background to any research, and as
background to any applied-biological work specifically orientated
towards fisheries.
The Agricultural Institute and the Geological Survey provide
possible analogies; although there are many imperfections in the
relationships between these bodies, the universities and economic
life, at least they exist, and can be shot at and cribbed about by
critics, a healthy enough situation. There is no marine science
centre, in the analogous sense. We need one; the case has also been
made, unanswerably, by Fergus Cahill(4) of the IIRS, by Dr de Courcey
Ireland(5) over the years, by Arthur Reynolds in the
'Skipper'(6) and others.
Professor Bary has begun to make his basic service needs more
pricise. He has a design for a 75-ft catamaran, with asymmetric
structure, giving a relatively stable working surface and a wide
unimpeded outside work-area, and with specially-designed wet and dry
laboratories. This he outlined in his Friday lecture.
The cost of this vessel he estimates at about £120,000.
Written off over 10 years, this represents about £2000 per annum
per university department using it, not a lot to pay for this type of
There were, however, people in the audience, and others not
present, who publicly voiced discouragement, and worried about the
danger of over-investment in a small speciality in a small remote
university.. Dr Went channelled this disquiet, referring from the
chair of the meeting to oceanography as 'a mixum-gatherum of unrelated
disciplines, which does not include economics', and to catamarans as
'new-fangled devices'.
There are plenty of problems in realising the full value of the
sea as a resource; there ought to be plenty of money. If the
Government chooses it can levy the mining, petroleum and other
industries with their eyes on the continental shelf. It could even
place a small levy on the fishing industry, thereby making it take a
direct interest in the applied science being done in their name.
If there is to be criticism of Professor Bary, it is that he
failed to put enough effort into the hard-core economic analysis.
Perhaps a co-ordinated effort by the Cahill-de Courcey
Ireland-Reynolds lobby could fill in this gap, and help Professor Bary
with the kind of arguments he needs. A lifetime of experience in an
environment where marine research has had high priority has left him
ill-equipped for the type of politicking necessary to convince Irish
administrators steeped in the traditions of the maritime provisions of
the 1921 Treaty(7).
October 18 1972
(The following extracts are from a review by Miles Parker
commissioned by the writer in association with the
column).......Fergus B Cahill's report to the National Science Council
on Marine Resource Development is the most significant report since
the 1964 American survey, which in turn was the most significant since
the 1959 FAO report, which etc etc.
It is to be hoped that unlike the other reports, whose proposals
were largely ignored, this report will be read in minute detail,
broadly discussed, and its proposals.....acted on with high speed.....
Mr Cahill suggests that a Board for Marine Science and Technology
be set up, later to become a statutory Marine Development
Board.....two centres would be set up, one for nautical science
(research and development in the field of maritime transport, naval
architecture, harbour engineering, nautical training etc) in Cork, and
one for marine science (marine and fisheries biology, oceanography,
submarine geology etc) in Galway.....
The first task of these centres would be the collection of basic
data, in which this country is badly lacking, particularly inthe
fields of oceanography and hydrography......
October 25 1972
(Miles Parker continued)....It would seem more reasonable to
place the Fisheries research and development section on the south
coast...close to potentially important fishing grounds....within 20
miles of Cork and thus within reach of necessary technical services,
while being out of reach of Cork's polution. The physical proximity
of of this section to the Centre in Galway is not as important here as
in a country the size of Canada, which Mr Cahill uses as an
....he makes no mention of the work of ICES (the International
Council for the Exploration of the Sea) or ICNAF (the International
Confederation of North Atlantic Fisheries), or the fact that Ireland
is a member of both bodies......(which are) only open to the
participation of civil servants.....it is essential that these be
scientists, not laymen...
...another advantage of the Cork location would be that it could
link up with the newly started courses in food technology in UCC...
November 15 1972
The November issue of the 'Skipper' contains a report of a
submission by the Institute of Professional Civil Servants to the
National Science Council on the question of the location of the
proposed Marine Research Institute. Instead of Galway, as proposed in
Fergus Cahill's report, recently reviewed in this feature by Miles
Parker, the IPCS want Kinsale(8).
I welcome the taking up of this type of debate in the columns of
the Skipper. All the factors have not by any means come out.
Certainly, near Galway City the bay is polluted, but this does not
prevent the university having a marine biology station near the clear
water at Maoinis near Carna. There is much to be said for having
fisheries research close to an existing centre specialising in marine
biology, and beginning to take the interdisciplinary science of
oceanography seriously. The proposed move to Kinsale, despite some
possible physicsl advantages, would keep things compartmentalised (a
Civil Service vice...) and throw away the opportunity of human
symbiosis presented by the Galway proposition as espoused by Fergus
The concentration of marine, oceanographic and fisheries research
in one centre would help to justify spending money on a proper
research vessel, such as the catamaran as designed by Professor Bary
(see Technology Ireland, August 1972).
Alternatively, a vessel run as a service by an independent body
could perhaps equally well service a multi-centred research system.
If fisheries research changes over to the system of being financed by
a levy on the catch (just as the Moorepark centre of AFT is going over
to a system which includes a levy on milk) we may expect the debate in
the Skipper to assume a higher level of intensity.
I look forward to an open seminar, organised by the Federation of
Fishing Co-ops, at which Professor O Ceidigh, Professor Bary, Dr Went
and others will discuss with the skippers how best to allocate the
resources from the central fund and from the levy between the various
rival interests: basic and applied research, education and training,
systems development, quality control, etc. Does my imagination run
ahead too far?
January 24 1973
On the initiative of the Fisheries Division of the Department of
Agriculture and Fisheries, Gulf Oil Terminals (Ireland) ltd.. agreed
in 1970 to sponsor a fellowship awarded to Dr Geoffrey B Crapp M Sc,
Ph D, for marine research in Bantry Bay, site of Gulf Oil's crude-oil
transhipment terminal. The purpose of this fellowship in marine
biology has been to investigate the ecology of the inner part of
Bantry Bay, including research on the flora and fauna of the bay as a
Dr Crapp has completed the first part of this study (the
intertidal fauna) and the results will be available shortly. Dr Crapp
is currently continuing the research programme in Bantry on a
Department of Education Post-Doctoral Fellowship.
In order to continue and support Dr Crapp's research in Bantry
Bay, Miss Madeline Willis BSc has been appointed as research
assistant in marine science for a period of two years. Her work will
be under the supervision of Professor FJ O'Rourke, PhD, MRIA,
Professor of Zoology in University College Cork, where Miss Willis has
registered for a higher degree.
Miss Willis was born in Portsmouth and read for her BSc in the
University of Wales at Bangor. She holds the British sub-aqua club
qualification (second class) and has experience of scuba diving in
Irish waters as well as in the Persian Gulf and the West Indies....
October 10 1973
In the course of July I had the opportunity of spending a couple
of days with Professor Bary of UCG doing oceanographic survey work in
Galway Bay. This gave me a chance to observe at first hand the
practical problems associated with running a laboratory at sea.
The current procedure is that they hire they Aran Queen(9) for
three days in the mid-week, once a month......In two hours hard work
Professor Bary, his research student and two technicians convert the
Queen into something resembling a research vessel. This involves
mounting a petrol-hydraulic winch on a wooden base....a derrick is
improvised with a steel ladder and wire stays, a structure contrived
of gaspipes and more wire stays is put up to support the plankton
trawls. A small petrol-driven pump gives service water for flushing
down plankton into the trap at the end of the conical net, also for
driving the vacuum pumps necessary for filtration..... (The permanent
fixtures on the Queen associated with these temporary structures
constitute a hazard to unsuspecting passengers on the other days of
the month; this strengthens the case for a proper vessel.)
The basic experimental procedure is to cover, in each three-day
period, about 20 locations spaced in a grid covering the whole of the
bay area.
At each station, samples are taken using sample-bottles which are
lowered by means of the winch. They are spring-loaded, with a
trigger-release mechanism activated by a weight which slides down the
A depth-temperature profile is read with a recording thermograph,
a robust and ingenious instrument which gives a permanent trace on a
glass covered with gold film.
The contents of the sample-bottles are put through various
processes. Some are stored at low temperature (using solid CO2) in
order to slow down any chemical changes. Some are filtered to get the
phytoplankton. All samples have their temperatures recorded, using
doubled thermometers, with allowance for pressure effects. These
provide fixed calibration-points on the continuous thermograph record.
To pick up significant numbers of zoo-plankton it is necessary to
sweep a large volume of water; this is done with conical trawls
having a well-defined entry area and a means of recording the distance
traversed. This provides useful data on the life-cycles of fish and
crustacea, as much of the zoo-plankton is constituted by larvae.
The analysis of this data, collected over a period of years,
provides a basis for understanding the laws of motion governing the
water in the bay, together with an understanding of the reasons
underlying the presence or absence of fish of various species, the
ability or otherwise of oysters to spawn, etc.
The analysis of the data is where the real science comes in. Its
collection is a matter for a force of skilled and competent
technicians. The present operation is clearly as yet only at the
level of a training-scheme for technicians and researchers. It is
unlikely to have any impact on the economics of the Galway fisheries
until ot expands its scope, to the extent of establishing correlations
between oceanographic measures and the volume and location of catches.
The achievement of a degree of mutual confidence between working
fishermen and researchers remains a remote objective. It would be
helped if it were possible, for example, to relate the current fall in
south-east coast herring with oceanographic factors giving rise to a
change in location, rather than simple over-fishing of the stocks.
Such changes have been recorded elsewhere in the past.
Returning to Galway bay: there are beginning to be indications
of a pattern. The fresh water from the Corrib tends to run out along
the north coast. But in a dry summer, the oceanic drifts would tend
to over-ride this pattern, and the salmon would not run in along their
customary paths, to the dismay of the Connemara lobster-men, some of
whom see a good haul of salmon as a step towards owning a trawler.
There is an analogy between this work and the National Soil
Survey work being done by the Agricultural Institute. There is,
however, no direct, centralised responsibility for all aspects of
marine research, as was advocated by Fergus Cahill....in 1972..
Professor Bary's work has suffered; he cannot find the key
decision-maker to lobby. He has had NSC grants, but this method of
financing suffers from 'stop-go' problems; it is currently in a
'stop' phase.
Professor Bary is critical of some of Fergus Cahill's proposals;
he is sceptical of the idea that putting people together in one place
necessarily generates a viable research system. The key factor is
resources, on a continuous basis. People separated geographically, if
they have resources, can communicate and co-ordinate.
On the other hand, people concentrated in one place can sometimes
combine to get resources, where isolated people lack the necessary
credibility. Both views are, in a sense, correct; the basic initial
step is political.
It is worthwhile outlining what the present splintered
departmental approach to research vessels has made available. There
is a 46ft ketch, Oona III, owned by the UCG Zoology Department since
1967. This carries equipment (winches, nets, grabs, dredges etc) but
is essentially a fair-weather, inshore boat. The Corunna, a converted
tug, 62ft with two 150HP engines, is more of an all-weather vessel
(one can work up to force 6) but it is narrow in the beam and lacks an
unencumbered work-area. The Cu Feasa, owned by the Department of
Fisheries and used by them for fisheries research, is 50ft with a
300HP engine. This vessel also suffers from design defects. In
general, it is not economic to convert a vessel designed for something
else for use as a floating laboratory. One needs to start from
This Professor Bary has done. The July-August 1972 issue of
Technology Ireland carries his design proposal for a catamaran
research-vessel; this type of design gives the best ratio of working
space per unit cost.
Thus, comparing the performance of a 50ft catamaran and a 70ft
tug: the former can take a 20-tonne load in a force 8 gale with a 12
degree roll, compared to a 5-tonne load and a 25 degree roll for the
Having watched the performance of the improvised derrick on the
Aran Queen, I can see the importance of the 12-degree roll.
The capital outlay on the 85ft by 40ft catamaran, including gear,
is estimated at £135K. This would not be a great extravagance
for a national vessel, which would provide a properly-staffed service
to all those interested in marine research, on a time-sharing basis.
Better a national vessel working a full year on oceanography,
marine biology, hydrography, and fisheries research tham a fleet of
small departmental vessels which spend most of their time idle in
port. Such a vessel could also provide a basic training in practical
seamanship, forming part of a Regional College course orientated
towards that end.
Can we not provide a professional service in seamanship for our
researchers, instead of having them waste their time being amateur
January 1 1974
(For a reference to the seamanship tradition among the Irish, see
the entry under the above date in the 'Non-renewable Resources'
July 24 1974
The National Fishermen's Defence Association have produced a
well-argued booklet entitled 'Driftnetting of Salmon in Ireland' at
15p. It can be obtained from the Secretary, Frank Gallagher, at
Killybegs, or from Seamus Mac Riocaird at Howth.
This is a closely-argued polemic against those who would cut back
on drift-net licences on grounds of alleged threat to angling. It
makes good use of such statistics as are available, but it does show
up that more quantitative measurements need to be done, by tagging and
other means, of the western fish resources, of which the salmon are
the most newsworthy.
One of the most powerful arguments in favour of driftnetting for
salmon in the west of Ireland context is that it constitutes a
stepping-stone for an inshore farmer-fisherman towards buying a bigger
boat and going for full-scale commercial fishing. The growth of the
Killybegs and Burtonport fleets owes much to the salmon season; once
the fleets are there they tend to fish consistently throughout the
year. This argument was used by Arthur Reynolds, editor of the
'Skipper', to help win the case (in or about 1967) for opening up the
Corrib salmon run to the Connemara fishermen, with a very positive
effect on the development of the fleet operating in Galway bay.
What is needed is the allocation of enough resources by the
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries to ensure that reliable data
is collected, and a predictive dynamic population model developed.
This is a job for a Marine Research Institute, working with university
marine and fresh-water biologists, using appropriate computing
expertise. It is little use making regulations from an inadequate
theoretical basis.
There also needs to be established socially effective mechanisms
for managing co-operatively a common resource. The infighting will
continue until there is a generally accepted understanding of stock
conservation principles, and the regulations based on them are shown
quantitatively to be correct to the satisfaction of all concerned.
July 24 1974
(The following is extracted from an article by Dr Cathal O
Lionain(10) which was commissioned by the writer for publication in
association with the column)
....Recently Bord Iascaigh Mara decided to investigate the
possibility of using a computer to aid them in forward planning.......
The planning system developed is in the form of a mathematical
model, programmed to operate on any modern digital
computer.....representing the real world (in this case the Irish
sea-fishing industry) through a series of mathematical equations.
These...make explicit the relationships between the variables which
describe each facet of the industry, from the catching sector through
to the retail outlets.....
The number of variables....runs into hundreds; hence the need
for the computer. The industry itself is in continuous
evolution....for the model to be successful it must incorporate the
dynamics of this evolution...by building in.. conditional decision
Once the model is set up and proven, it then becomes a very
useful tool to the decision-maker, since it can be used in the
experimental sense to test the effects of various plans which might be
embarked upon in directing the development of the industry......It can
simulate a five-year period ahead in about ten minutes......
The model takes as its starting-point the number of
fishing-vessels in the fleet in the year under
consideration...classified by size....based in any one of five
regions.... The computer then simulates the fishing operation,
sending boats out to sea for a certain number of hours each day, and
days in the year. The catch in the given time-period is a function of
the species fished, and the stocks in the region in question, as well
as boat size.
This information.....allows the model to generate landings....for
the entire fleet....calculates costs, revenues, break-even point and
profitability of each vessel class....quantities caught relative to
maximum sustainable yield...routes the quantities landed through the
various market sectors... It computes the contribution to the Irish
economy....checks whether a market is capable of absorbing the
volumes....deflects to other markets surpluses when they
occur....keeps track of investment in the form of government grants
and loans.....return on capital.
September 25 1974
(The following are extracts from an article by Niall Herriott(11)
which was commissioned by the writer for publication in association
with the column. It continues on the following day).
....Mariculture in Ireland is in its infancy, though
trout-farming in fresh-water is well established with about half a
dozen farms.... The great difficulty in the way of mariculture is the
traditional view that the sea-shore and its resources are common
property, available to all. Only where there are protective leases
(as in Japan, where some of the most advanced mariculture accurs with
Government encouragement) can the shore-line be efficiently utilised.
In Japan, suitable areas are designated, and the local fishermen's
co-operatives...allocate sub-areas to individual marine farmers. In
Ireland there is provision for granting leases to cultivate shellfish
on the sea-bed, but the Government is slow in utilising this because
of the conflicting constitutional safeguard on public ownership of the
It is for this reason that what passes for mariculture in Ireland
is usually not farming, but harvesting of natural stocks with sporadic
attempts at improvement.... Until there is protection and management
of the resource on grounds that are leased or owned, we cannot speak
of mariculture. (There is, in fact, a precise parallel with
Bord Iascaigh Mara has put a good deal of emphasis on marine
farming in its development plans...... Finance is scarce and
initiative even scarcer...only one project has got backing so
far...... Although the grant scheme is ostensibly orientated towards
fisheries co-ops...it is unlikely that the people of the western
seaboard will become involved (without promotion).....
Otherwise....the people who will take advantage of the favourable
conditions....will be the big corporations like Unilever and ICI, who
are diversifying into fish farming as fast as they can, also
established fish-farmers from the Continent, who are finding their
areas threatened by disease and pollution.....
Surveys of the numerous derelict oyster-beds along the west coast
have also been carried out by BIM. Most of these beds were associated
with the various 'Big Houses' of the Ascendancy.....
...There is a shortage of oyster seed ('spat').... Imported
oyster seed from hatcheries abroad is prohibitively expensive, and the
taking of young oysters from public beds is prohibited for
conservation reasons....
A second method ofobtaining 'spat' is by artificial propagation
in hatcheries. It was partly for this reason that the Government
financed the UCG Shellfish Research Laboratory near Carna... Applied
research into hatching, rearing and cultivation techniques is being
carried out with the native or flat oyster, with the Pacific or
Japanese oyster, with scallops and with the clam known as the
'parlourde' in France.....
An experimental...project for the oyster beds owned by Gael Linn
in Cill Chiarain bay....would include....a re-seeding programme....
The Pacific oyster, known in the trade as 'gigas'....is likely to
be heard of a good deal inthe future..... It can grow to commercial
size in 18 months....compared to three, four or even five years for
native oysters..... It can only be produced in hatcheries, as it does
not breed naturally in these cooler waters. Thus there is no danger
of valuable native oyster-beds being over-run by 'gigas'.
....it is the native oyster that remains the big potential
money-spinner especially now that many of the French native
oyster-beds are threatened by serious disease epidemics, and because
the Dutch...industry is experiencing a recession due to dyking of
inlets. There were 3.8M oysters produced in Ireland in 1972.....given
a transition to modern farming conditions, the figure (is potentially)
higher than the 30M target suggested for the mid 70s by the American
fisheries experts in 1964.
September 26 1974
(Continuing Niall Herriott).....Already at least three semi-state
bodies are involved in pilot-scale salmon-farming projects in inlets
in the west, one of them in collaboration with an overseas firm.....
Salmonid farming is capital-intensive and not likely to employ
many people, unlike shellfish farming, which lends itself well to
co-operative development, as in France......
Of the several types of mussel cultivation, one is already
practiced at Wexford Harbour, Carlingford Lough, the Boyne estuary,
Cromane (Co Kerry), and several other places. This is the re-laying
of intertidal mussels to achieve faster growth in deeper waters, where
they can feed at all times. The mussels are later dredged up from
these public fisheries.....
...Supplies of good-quality mussels are still insufficient and
can be produced only by expanding the industry into private
farming.... For this to occur, licences and legal protection for
areas of submerged sea-bed, or moored rafts, or buoyed ropes would be
This presents an ideal opportunity for co-operatives or small
family businesses to develop rope cultivation of mussels....a
pilot-scale off-bottom mussel cultivation development scheme in a
suitable inlet on the west coast(12)...would be a sound
socio-economic investment....
...Brief mention must be made of the scallop, which is farmed in
Japan using rafts....and could eventually be farmed here also, for the
first time in Europe. There is also the 'parlourde', a native clam,
for which the French pay the incredible price of 3.50 pounds per pound
in the shell.....
Fishing is a form of hunting, and as such a primitive method of
food-getting.... The biological potential for mariculture is high.
It is the social, legal and economic difficulties which are the
stumbling blocks.
Mariculture should be slotted into the co-ordinated approach to
marine resource development that is called for by Fergus Cahill....
July 1 1975
Two recent events again drew attention to the embryonic western
fishing industry. The first was a seminar organised by the Western
Regional Scientific Council in Galway, in May. Brian Casburn, of the
Galway and Aran Fishermen's Co-op, filled in the economic background:
landings 600,000 pounds in 1973, rising to 800,000 in 1974, exclusive
of shellfish. There are 24 trawlers employing 120 fishermen, and 35
smaller boats employing 70-80 people part-time. These jobs at sea are
estimated to generate a further 1000 on land (though this sounds to me
like the Iceland figure, where the industry is well cross-linked and
The scientific interest was looked after by Dr John Mercer of
UCG, who stressed the problem of fish stock conservation and planning
in a situation where the Irish share of the catch was small (10% or
John O'Connor of BIM called for a procedure of licencing foreign
trawlers to supply Irish factories while Irish fleets were building
up. Arthur Reynolds, editor of the Skipper, outlined the historical
reasons for the delayed start of the industry. There is a full
summary of the symposium in the June issue of the Skipper.
To capitalise the expansion of this somewhat mercurial industry
is a tricky 'hen-and-egg' problem. Gaeltarra(13) have been paying
some attention to it. First fruit of this, however, are not in wet
fish, but in the more tricky oyster business. This, however, is
beginning to look like a sounder investment thanks to the work of the
UCG Carna research laboratory.
A new firm, Beirtreach Teo, was launched on May 28 by the
Minister for the Gaeltacht, Mt Tom O'Donnell, at a conference in the
Bank of Ireland head-office. This firm, based on the work of the
Carna laboratory and financed by Gaeltarra, will be concerned with the
commercial development of oyster farming along the western coastline.
The initial phase involves the employment of 12 people in (a)
developing the lab spawning techniques to a routine commercial
procedure (b) developing raft and other techniques for growing the
spat at sea (c) identifying potential sites.
Both native (ostrea edulis) and Pacific (crassostrea gigas)
oysters are envisaged; the latter species has reproduced successfully
under hatchery conditions and has the advantage of more rapid
maturation. It does not...reproduce under natural conditions in Irish
waters and therefore does not constitute an ecological threat to the
native species.
Economic linkages with local co-operatives are expected to emerge
when the various sites have been developed over the coming five-year
period. Beirtreach Teo is the first major investment by a State
company in mariculture; it is also, I think, the first major
investment by the State in the exploitation of a science-based
technology developed in a university in Ireland, at least in recent
(Perhaps we are recovering from the negative experience of the
Drumm battery project(14) of the thirties; this was a courageous but
premature venture into technological innovation in which fingers were
badly burned (to the tune of a quarter of a million thirties pounds).
The imprint of this has remained in the folk-memory of the Civil
Service; this, perhaps, explains the caution with which the national
Science Council has approached financing the economic exploitation of
the research and development work carried out in the universities and
colleges of technology in recent years under its sponsorship.)
Gaeltarra is to be complimented on pioneering the reversal of this
December 12 1975
The OECD has produced a critique of the National Science
Council's marine science programme produced in October of last year by
Fergus Cahill and Owen Sweeney. The authors of the OECD Report are Dr
F Sollie (Norway), Dr G Hempel (German FR) and Mr C Riffaud (France);
all are Directors of inportant marine centres.
They support the NSC recommendations, criticising them, if
anything, for not being agressive enough in the battle to overcome the
inertia with regard to the sea which we have inherited in Ireland.
They suggest priorities as follows: (1) ship-time (2)
data-collection and processing (3) petroleum (4)oceanography (5)
mariculture (6) environment. This ranking is a compromise between
importance and urgency, and on both counts the provision of ship-time
clearly heads the list. I understand that the State is said to be
acting on this; what relation the announcement has to the
administrative reality remains to be seen.
March 9 1976
I am reminded by the March issue of Arthur Reynolds's 'Skipper'
of the critical state of the fishing industry with regard to the
question of the territorial waters.
The Icelanders have shown the way. No system of common
exploitation of resources between competing national fleets can allow
the resource to be conserved. This ought to be obvious from the
history of agriculture. Land cannot be made productive unless it is
enclosed and a single agency manages it. The grey stone of the Burren
stands as a monument to the overgrazed and eroded commonages of
mediaeval times. The history of the Plains Indians and the buffalo
will be repeated in our Western seas, unless there is a single
management agency: this can only be a national State.
Unfortunately we are not well-enough equipped to measure what is
going on and to sense the danger signals. There is in the 'Skipper' a
frightening little article by Dr Alec Gibson, of the Department, which
gives 'catch per unit effort' figures for landings in the Ramagiri
district of India. Over a period of 12 years, the number of boats
goes up from 7 to 600, the catch from 600 to 19,800 tons, while the
catch per trawler drops from 95 to 33; the effort per trawler to pick
up this declining catch increases from 7.4 to 720 units. Dr Gibson
computes that the the yield of the fishery could be optimally
sustained with 300 boats.
Such computations can be made, but you need reliable statistics.
Dr Gibson's article is an attempt to persuade fishermen that the
Department's data-gathering excercises are worthy of support,
especially if the fishermen need to make the necessary strong case at
the Law of the Sea conference.
Catch per unit effort statistics in Ireland are notoriously hard
to come by. I know, in that I have tried; in the end I had to pay
someone who was close enough to measure the 'effort' as well as the
catch, to collect them specially for a particular purpose(15).
However good our own statistics are, we remain in the dark as to
what is really going on as long as fisheries arre exploited on a
commonage basis by other national fleets. They may produce
statistics, but why should we believe them?
We should hold out for a 200-mile limit, strongly policed. Until
our own fleet builds up to the optimal level (determined by scientific
analysis of catch per unit effort statistics collectd meticulously by
a single strong national agency), we should licence other peoples'
boats to fish provided they land the catch in Ireland. We should
invest in processing capacity to match the sustainable output of our
200-mile territorial waters. In other words, we should become the
Iceland of Europe.
No less of a policy than this will permit the long-term
conservation of the stocks. Our representatives in New York from
March 15 would be likely to get the support of the people in taking as
hard-nosed a line as this, whether or not they have the support of the
1. Sea Fisheries Board, usually abbreviated to BIM.
2. This was an important part of the research activity of the UCG
chemists in the 20s and 30s, under the late Professor Dillon.
3. Taoiseach in 1982; he was then Minister for Finance under Sean
4. See the 'Non-renewable Resources' chapter; also below (October 18
5. Research Officer of the Maritime Institute, a voluntary
promotional body which he founded in the 50s. It maintains a maritime
museum in Dun Laoire.
6. The principal technical periodical serving the industry in
Ireland, owned and edited by Arthur Reynolds.
7. This reserved to the British Government ultimate control over all
maritime affairs, including even servicing the lighthouses. Dr de
Courcey Ireland has written extensively on this negative legacy.
8. One can perhaps here see the influence of Dr Went; this view was
also echoed in Miles Parker's review above.
9. A small passenger cruiser which normally services the 'short sea
route' to Inis Mor, via Ros a Mhichil.
10. Originally a physicist, Dr O Lionain evolved into techno-economic
modelling in Aer Lingus in the 60s, where he worked in association
with the writer inthe Economic Planning Department. He then joined
Stokes, Kennedy and Crowley, a Dublin firm of auditors and management
11. Then an English research student doing a post-graduate
qualification in marine biology in Ireland.
12. Such as Killary Harbour, where Niall Herriott now manages a
mariculture enterprise. This pattern should become more the norm, if
investment in R and D in the Irish 3rd-level education system is ever
to pay off.
13. Gaeltarra Eireann (now Udaras na Gaeltachta, with an added
elective component) promotes preferential investment into industrial
enterprises in the Irish-speaking districts. This fragmentation of
State industrial promotion has its negative aspect. The writer did
some computer modelling of fisheries development concepts for
Gaeltarra, on a single-port basis, at the same time as Dr O Lionain
was working for BIM. It would have been better if we had been working
as a team. We did co-ordinate to some extent informally, as we
happened to be ex-colleagues who knew each other.
14. An attempt to develop an electric traction system for Dublin
suburban rail using an improved nickel-iron accumulator. Not only was
the technology unripe, but the cultural gap between the
(Protestant/Unionist) railway engineering fraternity and the
(Catholic/Nationalist) engineers of University College Dublin ensured
that the probability of success was even further reduced. The initial
enthusiasm of the Government in 1930 was under the influence of the
success of the Shannon hydro-electric scheme. See H J P Murdoch,
'Invention and the Irish Patent System', University of Dublin (Trinity
College), Administrative Research Bureau, 1971.
15. The Gaeltarra computer-based planning project touched upon in
Note 13.
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[1970s Overview]
Copyright Dr Roy Johnston 1999