Social Sciences

revised and updated 07/07/05

We list these in groups in order of date of original publication. The grouping is subject to change as the list develops. There has been some library uptake, and more is in prospect, if locations can be identified interested in post-colonial studies, especially critical analysis of the Left, in Irish and global contexts. Please contact RJ rjtechne at iol dot ie..

Mainly economics, also management, political, sociological etc

It is useful to introduce sub-sets on a philosophical basis:

The Marxist Spectrum: landing 5,6L

Marx's Paris Writings 1843-45; ed John Maguire, Gill & Macmillan 1972.
The Poverty of Philosophy; Karl Marx 1847, FLPH, Moscow, with Engels 1892 updates.
Capital; Karl Marx, Vol 1 1867, Vol 2 1995, Vol 3 ed Engels 1894; FLPH 1957.
Karl Marx Selected Words; Vols 1 & 2, ed V Adoratsky, Co-op Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in USSR, 1935.
Anti-Duehring; F Engels 1878, ed CP Dutt, L&W 1934.
The Development of Capitalism in Russia; VI Lenin ~1900, FLPH 1956.
Materialism & Empirio-Criticism; VI Lenin 1908, L&W 1948.
Essentials of Lenin, Vols 1 and 2, (ed? not clear; Stalin probably had a hand in it), Lawrence & Wishart 1947.
Lenin on Britain; FLPH undated, probably 1950s.
Lenin Vol 12 Selected Works: Theory of the Agrarian Question; MEL Institute, L&W, 1939.
My Life: an Attempt at an Autobiography; Leon Trotsky 1929, intro by J Hansen, Penguin 1971-75.
Marxism and the National and Colonial Question; JV Stalin, FLPH 1934-5.
History of the CPSU(B), attributed to Stalin; FLPH 1943.
Problems of Leninism; J Stalin, L&W 1948.
Fundamental Problems of Marxism; G Plekhanov, Lawrence, London, 1929.
Georgi Dimitrov: selected speeches and articles; intro by Harry Pollitt, L&W, London, 1951.
Karl Marx: selected writings in sociology & social philosophy; ed TB Bottimore & M Rubel, Pelican 1955-61.
Mao Tse Tung Selected Works, Vols 1 & 2, tr from Chinese edition, author selection, L&W 1954
Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism, ed O Kuusinen, Lawrence & Wishart 1961.
Marx & Engels selected works in 1 vol; L&W 1968-70.
'Little Red Book'; Mao Tse Tung, Foreign Language Press, Peking, 1967.
'Secret' Speech; NS Khrushchev 1956, ed Zh & R Medvedev, Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, 1976.
Report to the 9th Party Congress; Lin Piao, FLP, Peking, 1969.
Lenin (life and times in 4 volumes); Tony Cliff, Pluto Press 1975-79.

Mainstream Bourgeois: landing, 1L

Principles of Economics; Alfred Marshall, Macmillan, London, 1916; JJ's copy.
English Social History; G M Trevelyan (1942); Pelican (1964-79).
An Essay on Marxian Economics; Joan Robinson, Macmillan, 1947.
The Theory and Practice of Communism; RN Carew 1950; pb Penguin 1963-78.
Price Theory; WJL Ryan; Macmillan, London, 1958 (presented to JJ by author)
Guinness's Brewery in the Irish Economy, 1759-1876; P Lynch & J Vaizey; Cambridge UP, 1960.
. John Donald, Edinburgh, circa 1977, no explicit date given.
Innovation: the Creative Impulse in Human Progress; William Kingston, John Calder, London, 1977.
The New International Division of Labour; Folker Froebel et al 1977; tr from German, Cambridge UP 1981.
Irish Education: History and Structure; John Coolahan, IPA, Dublin 1981.
Ireland in Transition: Economic and Social Change since 1970; ed Kieran Kennedy, Mercier 1986.
Renewing a Local Economy: the Entrepreneurial Response to Crisis; Connell M Fanning, Cork UP, 1986.
The Pace Setters: portraits of 10 Irish companies; Aileen O'Toole, Gill & Macmillan 1987.
Charles Handy:
. The Age of Unreason, Arrow Business, 1989-92;
. The Empty Raincoat, Arrpw Business, 1994-5.
JK Galbraith:
. Th CUlture of Conbtentment; Penguin 1992.
. The World Economy Since the Wars; Mandarin, London, 1994-5.
Science-based Economic Development; ed Susan U Raymond, NY Acad Sciences, 1996.

Irish National Movement (right-wing)

This is primarily Irish political establishment, but related publications with a European dimension follow.

Irish Political Establishment; landing, shelf 1R

Writers and Politics; Conor Cruise O'Brien; Chatto and Windus, London, 1965.
Thomas N Brown; Irish-American Nationalism 1870-90; JB Lippincott Philadelphia & New York 1966.
Towards a New Ireland; Garret Fitzgerald, Knight, London, 1972.
George O'Brian: a Biographical Memoir; James Meenan, Gill & Macmillan, 1980.
Published Works on Irish Foreign Relations (bibliog); Maria Maguire, RIA 1981.
Local Government in Ireland; Desmond Roche, Inst of Public Admin, 1982.
The Government and Politics of Ireland; Basil Chubb, 2nd edition, Longman, London, 1982.
The Road to Europe: Irish Attitudes 1948-61; Miriam Hederman, Inst of Public Administration, 1983.
Independent Ireland; Ronan Fanning, Halicon 1983.
What Kind of Country? Modern Irish Politics 1968-83; Bruce Arnold, Jonathan Cape 1984.
Political Parties in the Republic of Ireland; Michael Gallagher, Gill & Macmillan, 1985.
Ireland in the Contemporary World (Garret Fitzgerald festschrift, ed James Dooge); Gill & Macmillan, 1986.
In Good Company; Ivor Kenny: conversations with Irish leaders, incl Gay Byrne, Brendan O'Regan, Ken Whitaker;
. Gill & Macmillan, 1987.
Sacred Cows; Fay Weldon; Chatto & Windus 1989.
The Faithful Tribe (the 'Loyal Institutions')l Ruth Dudley Edwards, Harper Collins, 1999.
Language and Tradition in Ireland; Maria Tymoczko & Colin Ireland (eds); Massachusetts UP, 2003.
Dissecting Irish Politics (Brian Farrell festschrift); Tom Garvin et al, UCD Press 2004.

Europe-related work; landing, shelf 3R

Books by Desmond Fennell:
. The State of the Nation; Ward River Press, 1983
. Beyond Nationalism; Ward River Press, 1985.
. Nice People and Rednecks; Gill & Macmillan 1986.
. Heresy: the Battle of Ideas in Modern Ireland; Blackstaff 1993.
. The Revision of European History; Desmond Fennell, Athol 2003.
Ireland and Hungary: a Study in Parallels, with an Arthur Griffith Bibliography; Thomas Kabdebo;
. Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2001.

Western Marxist and Critical Radical: attic, 1, 4L

Progress and Poverty; Henry George, Kegan Paul, Trench, London 1883.
Political Economy and Capitalism; Maurice Dobb, Routledge 1937-46.
Studies in the Development of Capitalism; Maurice Dobb, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1946.
The Theory of Capitalist Development; Paul M Sweezy, Denis Dobson, London, 1946.
Money: its past, present and future; GDH Cole, Cassell, London, 1947, 3rd ed.
Soviet Economic Development since 1917; Maurice Dobb, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1948.
Political Economy; John Eaton, Lawrence & Wishart 1949.
The Political Economy of Growth; Paul Baran, John Calder, London, 1957.
Puritanism and Revolution; Christopher Hill 1958; pb Panther 1968-9.
Man and Land: the Fundamental Issue in Development; EH & CF Jacoby, Andre Deutsch, 1971.
The Economics of Feasible Socialism; Alec Nove, George Allen & Unwin, 1983.
Striking Back 1985 (Welsh miners' resistance); NUM (South Wales).
Work for All; Sean Cooney, Inforecast, Dublin, 1985 (samizdat?)
EC Trade Policy and the 3rd World: an Irish perspective; Alan Matthews, Gill & Macmillan, 1991.
3. Without Sin (Oneida Community, USA, Christian Communist); Spencer Klaw; Allan Lane 1993.
Green Economics; Molly Scott Cato & Miriam Kennett, Green Audit 1999.
Capital and Class; special issue 75, 25 years of independent Marxist theory, Autumn 2001;
. Conference of Socialist Economists.
The Assembly Years 1999-2003; Phil Williams (Welsh Assembly)
3. Willing Slaves (overwork culture in Britain); Madeleine Bunting; pb Harper-Collins 200405.

1? Books by Raymond Crotty:
. Irish Agricultural Production: its Volume and Structure; Cork UP, 1967.
. Cattle, Economics and Development; Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 1980.
. Ireland in Crisis; Brandon, 1986.
. A Radical's Response; Poolbeg 1988.
. Farming Collapse: National Opportunity; Amarach-Ireland, 2000.
. When Histories Collide (posthumous; ed R Crotty jr), Altamira 2001.

The Ecological Revolution; John Bellamy Foster; Monthly Review Press, 2009.
An Economy for the Common Good; CPI 2009.

Soviet and East-Bloc: attic 1.4R

Problems of Political Economy of Socialism; ed Oskar Lange, Peoples' Publishing House, Warsaw, 1962.
Soviet Economic Reform: main features and aims; Novosti, Moscow, 1967.
Soviet Economic Reform: Progress and Problems; N Fedoryenko et al, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1972.
Socialism and Wealth; Y Lazutkin, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1974.
Economic Integration: Two Approaches; VI Kuznetsov, Progress Publishers, 1976.
Contradictions of Agrarian Integration in the Common Market; L Afanasiey & V Kolovnyakov, ditto, 1976.
Zaporozhiya, in Russian, illustrated promotional book, 1988 (1989 Peace Cruise souvenir).
The Mirage of Modernization; Boris Kagaritsky, Monthly Review Press, New York, 1994.
Transferred or for transfer:
For RDS:
1,6. An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching; George O'Brien, Longmans, Green, London, 1920.

Transferred to Boston College (Dublin):
6,1. Lenin on Ireland; intro by A Raftery (P Carmody), New Books, Dublin, 1970.
6. Ireland, its Physical, Historical, Social and Economic Geography; TW Freeman, Methuen 1950 (JJ's copy).
6. Comparative Aspects of Scottish and Irish Economic and Social History; ed LM Cullen & TC Smout;
6,1. The Resurrection of Hungary: a Parallel for Ireland; reprints from United Irishman, 1904.
6,1. Thoughts on the Constitution; Alfred O'Rahilly; Browne and Nolan, 1937.
6,1. The National University and the National Language; Connradh na Gaedhilge, circa 1943.
6. The Italian Corporative System; James Meenan, Cork UP, 1944.
6. The Irish in Britain; JA Jackson, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1963.
6. Inishkillane; Hugh Brody; Penguin 1973-4.
6,1. Gerard Murphy; Cultural Relations Cttee/Three Candles:
. The Ossianic Lore and Romanmtic Tales of Medieval Ireland 1955;
. Saga and Myth in Ancient Ireland 1961.
6. Myles Dillon (ed); Irish Sagas; Radio Eireann 1959.

[To Overview]

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