![]() The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in IrelandChurchtown Meeting Library CatalogueBookcase 2, on the right, updated 01/03/2009Shelf 1: Background History, Politics, Peace, Science, Economics, BusinessAlexander, HG; The Growth of the Peace Testimony in the S of F, FPC 1939-56.Allin, Dana H; NATO's Balkan Intervention; Oxford UP 2002 for . Inst of Strategic Studies; Des King donation. Armstrong, Karen; A History of Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths; . Harper-Collins 1997; Marie-Therese Farrell donation. Borries, Achim von; Quiet Helpers: Quaker Service in Postwar Germany; . QHS & AFSC 2000. Brandt Commission: . Common Crisis, Pan Books 1983, J&S Wigham donation. . North-South, Pan Books 1980, J&S Wigham donation. Buchanan, Mary; The Childrens' Village, Bannisdale 1951. Cadbury, Deborah; Chocolate Wars; Harper Press, 2010. Chamberlain WJ; Fighting for Peace; London 1928; No More War Movement. Clark, Charles MA; The Basic Income Guarantee; CORI 2002; . Sheila Reaper-Reynolds donation. Dalai Lama; Freedom in Exile; Hodder & Stoughton 1990. Dimbleby, Jonathan; From Here to Sustainability; Earthscan 2001; . Des King donation. Douglas, Glynn; Friends and 1798; Irish Friends Historical Committee, 1998. Douthwaite, R & Jopling, J; Feasta (Energy) Review 2001 Dunkerley E & R; The Arm of God; Oliphants, undated, 1920s?. Dyson, Freeman J; The Sun, the Genome and the Internet; Oxford UP 1999; . Des King donation. Dyson, Kenneth; The Politics of the Euro-Zone: Stability or Breakdown? . OUP, 2000; Des King donation. Ellis, George; Science in Faith and Hope: an Introduction; . Quaker Books 2004; Roy Johnston donation. Emden, Paul H; Quakers in Commerce; Sampson Low, London 1939; . Gilbert Lamb donation. Fanon, Franz; The Wretched of the Earth; Penguin 1963; Des King donation. Ferguson, J; Philip Noel-Baker, UNA(UK) 1983. Frank, Joseph; The Levellers (Lilburne, Overton etc); Harvard UP 1955; . TW Moody legacy. Gould, JD; Economic Growth in History; Methuen 1972; Des King donation. Hall, GH; Invisible Frontiers: the race to synthesise a human gene; Oxford UP 2002; Des King donation. Handy, Charles; Beyond Certainty (the changing worlds of organisations); . Arrow 1995. Hodgkin, Henry T; Friends Beyond Seas, London 1916. Howard, Elizabeth F, Across Barriers, Friends Service Council 1941. Jacobs. Michael (ed); The Politics of the Real World; Earthscan 1996; . Des King donation. Jenkinson, D; Torture, in Europe?, QCEA 1993. Johnson, LJ; Central Europe; Oxford UP 1996; Des King donation. Marsh, Arnold; Full Empployment in Ireland; Browne and Nolan, 1945. Merton, Thomas (ed); Gandhi on Non-Violence; New Directions, 1964. Miles, TR; Religion and the Scientific OUtlook; Allen and Unwin 1959. Montefiore, Simon Sebag; Speeches that Changed the World; . Quercus, London, 2007. Murphy, Dervla; Race tothe Finish (the nuclear stakes); John Murray 1981. Powelson, JP; The Moral Economy; U Michigan, 2000. QCEA: . Effective Counter-Terrorism: a Critical Assessment of EU Responses; 2007 . Conference October 2006: Peace and Peacebuilding: some European Perspectives. .. (with QPSW & QUNO): . Report 2005: the Right to Consciensious Objection in Europe. . Values Matter: Quakers Reflect on Europe, 2003. Quakerism and Industry; London 1938; . being the papers read at a conference of employers, members of the . Society of Friends, held at Woodbrooke, Birmingham, 22nd-25th April 1938. 'Quakers and Business' Group; Good Business: Ethics at Work; London 2000. Raistrick, Arthur; Quakers in Science and Industry; Sessions, York, 1950-1993. Raven, CE; The Theological Basis of Christian Pacifism, FR 1952. Revel, Jean-Francois; Without Marx of Jesus; Paladin 1972; Des King donation. Richards, EG; Mapping Time: the calendar and its history; Oxford UP 1998; . Des King donation. Schubert, Katherine von; Checkpoints and Chances (Israel-Palestine); . Quaker Books, 2005. Self-help Development Model; Self-help, Hacketstown, Co Carlow, 2004. Sennett, Richard; Respect in a World of Inequality; Norton 2003; . Des King donation. Sobel, Sava; Longitude (the Harrison chronometer story); Fourth Estate, . London, 1988; Des King donation. Solzhenitsyn, Alexander; The Gulag Archipelago; Collins/Fontana 1974. Thomas, Edward; Quaker Adventures; . edited broadcasts of Quaker war and post-war experience; . Fleming H Revell Co, New York, Chicago, London and Edinburgh, ~1928. U Michigan Quaker NE Group; Nuclear Energy, 2001. Vincent, JJ; Christ in a Nuclear World; Crux Press 1963. Weiner, Jonathan; The Beak of the Finch; Vintage 1995. Weisbord, Marvin R; Some Form of Peace (American Friends Service . committee); Viking Press NY 1968; Betty Taylor legacy. Westmorland General Meeting; Preparing for Peace; WGM 2005. Wilson, ER; Uphill for Peace, FUP (US) 1975. Wilson, WE; Christ and War, Clarke, London, 1913. Shelf 2, left: Social ConcernsBenson; Jane; Quaker Pioneers in Russia; London 1902.Byrd, Robert O; Quaker Ways in Foreign Policy; Toronto 1960. Directory of National Voluntary Organisations; Comhairle 2004. Duverger, Maurice, Introduction to the Social Sciences, . George Allen and Unwin 1961, Des King donation. Emerson, Peter J; books relating to voting systems: . Consensus Voting Systems; samizdat 1991; . The Politics of Consensus; samizdat 1994; . Beyond the Tyranny of the Majority; de Borda Institute 1994; . From Belfast to the Balkans; de Borda Institute, 1999; . Defining Democracy; de Borda Institute 2002; Faith in Action (Encounters with Friends); FWCC, London; . Report from the Fifth World Conference of Friends, 1991. Greenwood, John Ormerod; Quaker Encounters, Vol 1; Friends and Relief; . William Sessions, York, 1975; A Study of two centuries of Quaker . activity in the relief of suffering caused by war or natural calamity. Hedges, Chris; War is a Force that Gives us Meaning; Anchor Books, NY, 2003. Logan, Miriam; The Art of Easing Conflict; Original Writing, Dublin, 2008; . David Kingston donation. Morse, Eugene; Exodus to a Hidden Valley; Collins (Fount) 1974. Murphy-Lawless, Jo; Fighting Back (women & drugs), Liffey, Dublin, 2002, . Shelagh Reaper-Reynolds donation. O'Brien, Glen; Praying from the Margins: Gospel Reflections of a Gay Man; . Columba, Dublin 2001. O Riain, Sean; Solidarity with Travellers; Roadside 2000; Farrell donation. Palmarazza P & Rees F: From Principles to Profit; Arcturus 2006. Peck, M Scott: . The Different Drum, Rider 1987, Des King donation. . A world Waiting to be Born, Rider 1993, Des King donation. Porter, Fran; Changing Women, Changing Worlds, Blackstaff 2002, . Sheila Reaper-Reynolds donation. Quaker Feminists: Bringing the Invisible into the Light. QHS 1986. Women in Prison: A Review of the Conditions in Member States; QCEA 2007; 2 copies. Townsend, Peter, Poverty in the UK, Penguin 1979, Des King donation. Whitaker Committee Report: 20 Years on; Irish Penal Reform Trust, 2007. Wilkinson, Richard & Pickett, Kate; The Spirit Level (equality better); Allen Lane 2009. Williams, Harley; The Healing Touch (medical biographies); . Right Book Club, circa 1930s. Moulton, Philips P (ed); Journal and Essays of John Woolman; . Friends United (USA) 1971-2001. Shelf 2, right: related to IrelandAtack, Ian & McCrum, Sean; Neutrality - Irish Experience, European Experience; DMMPC 2009.Barritt, Denis & Charles F Carter; The Northern Ireland Problem; 2 copies, . London 1962hb, 1972pb. Barritt, Denis; Northern Ireland: a Problem for Every Solution; . QP&S (NI) 1982, 2 copies. Barritt, Denis & Booth, A; Orange and Green; NI Friends Peace Board, 1972 . (Joe Haughton donation). Bewley Victor: Memoirs see below, Murdoch Fiona ed. Butler, David M; The Quaker Meeting-Houses of Ireland; Irish Friends Historical . Committee, 2004; 2 copies, one a M-T Farrell donation. Carroll, JT; Ireland n the War Years 1939-45; David & Charles (Newton Abbott), . 1975, Des King donation. Chapman, AG: . 100 Years & More (Friends in Portadown, 1655-2005). . History of the Religious Society of Friends in Lurgan (1997). Corkery, Daniel; The Fortunes of the Irish Language, Mercier 1954/68. Butler, David M; Quaker Meeting-houses in Ireland;Irish Friends . Historical Committee, 2004. Fauske, CJ; Jonathan Swift and the Church of Ireland; . Irish Academic Press, 2002; Roy Johnston donation. Garvin, Tom (ed), Dissecting Irish Politics, essays in honour of Brian Farrell; . UCD Press, 2004. Goodbody & de Burca (ed); Famine in Ireland; Transactions of the RSF during the . Famine, Edmund Burke, Dublin 1996. Goodbody, Rob; A Suitable Channel (Quaker relief in the great famine); . Pale 1995 Grubb, Isabel; J Ernset Grubb of Carrick-on-Suir; Talbot Press, 1928, . (Maurice Wigham bequest). Harrison, Richard: . Irish Anti-War Movements; Irish Peace Publications, Eustace St, 1986. . Irish Insurances: Historical Perspectives 1650-1939; Red Barn 1992. . Richard Davis Webb: Dublin Quaker Printer (1805-72); Red Barn, 1993. . Biographical Dictionary of Irish Quakers, Four Courts Press, 1997. . Abraham Abell MRIA, Corkman extraordinary, Red Barn 1999. . Autobiography, 2001 (author donation). . The Richardsons of Bessbrook: Ulster Quakers in the Linen Industry; 2008. Jacob, Philip R; A Jacob Family: Tramore in the 1900s; Jacobooks 2008. 'JMR'; Six Generations in Ireland, 1655 - 1890; Edward Hicks, London, 1893. Johnston, Joseph; Civil War in Ulster (intro by Roy Johnston); UCD Press 1998; . Roy Johnston donation. Kelly, Gordon; Full Circle (NI Peace Pilgrimage), ~1991. Kennedy, Denis (Roy Johnston donation): . Forging an Identity; Irish Association 1999; . Nothing but Trouble; Irish Association 2003. Kilroy, Thomas; The Big Chapel; Poolbeg Press 1982; Roy Johnston donation. Knott, Mary J; Two Months at Kilkee; Dublin 1836; reprint Clasp Press, Ennis, . 1997; Marie-Therese Farrell donation. Le Mare, Ann & McCartney, Felicity; Coming from the Silence; Sessions 2009; . (peacebuilding in NI 1969-2007) Mac Greil, Micheal; Prejudice and Tolerance in Ireland; College of . Industrial Relations, 1977. Marsh, Arnold; St Patrick's Writings; Dundalgan Press, 1961; author's donation. McCartney, Felicity & Ann le Mare; Coming from the Silence; Sessions, York, 2009; . (NI peacebuilding 1969-2007) Moriarty, Christopher; The Quakers in Ireland; Religious Life Review 43, . July-Aug 2004 Murdoch, Fiona (ed); Victor Bewley's Memoirs; Veritas 2002; . Roy Johnston donation. Neill, Joyce; Denis Barritt, Cheerful Saint; Curlew 1999. O'Clery, Conor; Daring Diplomacy (Clinton in Ireland), Rinehart 1997, . donated Des King. O'Connor, Fionnuala; Breaking the Bonds (making peace in Northern Ireland); . Mainstream 2002; Sheilagh Reaper-Reynolds donation. O'Donnell, Ruan; The Irish Famine; O#Brien Press 2008. Pakenham, Frank; Peace by Ordeal (1921 Treaty); Sidgwich & Jackson 1935/73. Prince, Simon; Northern Ireland's '68; . Irish Academic Press 2007. Propert, Belinda; Beyond Orange and Green; Academy Press 1978. Rynne, C & Wigham, B: A Life of Usefulness: Abraham Bole and the Monad . Ironworks; sitka 2000. Swanton, Daisy Lawrenson; Emerging from the Shadow (Sarah Anne Lawrenson . & Lucy Olive Kingston biogrphies), Attic Press, Dublin 1994, 2 copies. Warren, Will; A Quaker in Northern Ireland; Quaker Home Service, . London, 1983. Wigham, J P et al; Quakers in Eustace St (photos); Friendly Press, . Waterford, 1985. Wigham, Maurice J: . Ireland and Chernobyl; MJW 1986 (2 copies) . Religion in a Changing World; Wexford; acquired 1987. . The Irish Quakers; Historical Committee, 1992; Farrell donation. Viney, Michael; A Living Island (Ireland's Responsibility to Nature), . Comhar 2003. Shelf 3: Quaker Experience 1Allott, Stephen; John Wilhelm Rowntree; York England; 1994.Ambler, Rex ed George Fox; see below. Applegate et al (ed); Hidden in Plain Sight: Quaker Women's Writings 1650-1700; . Pendle Hill 1996, Margaret Benefiel donation. Baily, Leslie; Craftsman & Quaker (biog of JT Bailey); Allen and Unwin 1959. Barclay, Christian; Introduction to the Life and Works of George Fox; . Bishopsgate Press, 1989. Barclay's Apology (in modern English); ed Dean Freiday; . Barclay Press USA 1967-1998. Barclay, John (ed); Diary of Alexander Jeffray; Harvey & Darton, London, 1833. Barclay, William; Tesatment of Faith, Mowbray 1975. Benefiel, Margaret; Soul at Work; Veritas 2005 (author donation). Benson, Jane: Quaker Pioneers in Russia, Headley 1902. Brayshaw, A Neave; . The Quakers Their Story & Message; Allen & Unwin, London, 1922-46. . The Personality of George Fox, Allenson, London, 1933. . Memoirs and Selected Writings; Woodbrooke Extension Cttee of the RSF 1941. Buchanan, Mary; The Children's Village (Pestalozzi), Bannadale 1951. Budge, Jane; Glimpses of George Fox and his Friends; Partridge, London ?~1920s, . donated Erwin Strunz. Cadbury, Henry J; Friendly Heritage: letters from the Quaker past, . Silvermine, Norwalk, Conn, 1972; Betty Taylor donation. Davies, George M; Joseph Rowntree; Gillett, London 1942. Eames, Marion; The Secret Room (Rowland Ellis, Dolgellau); Gomer 1995. Fox, George: . The Journal of George Fox; USA 1976. . The Journal of George Fox; ed Cadbury & Nuttall RSF 1975. . Passages from the Writings; Philadelphia 1881. . Truth of the Heart; edited by Rex Ambler; Quaker Books, London, 2001. Graveson, S ed; Life of Thomas Ellwood by his own hand; Headley, London, 1906. Harvey, T Edmund: . The Rise of the Quakers, Headley bros, London 1905, Erwin Strunz donation. . The Rise of the Quakers; Friends Bookshop, London 1922. Heron, Alastair; Quakers in Britain; Curlew, Kelso, Scotland, 1995. Hodgkin, LV; Gulielma Wife of William Penn; Longmans Green, London 1947. Hodgkin, Thomas; Leaders of Religion: George Fox; Methuen, London 1896. Hogan, JP; One Man's Joy; FHS 1975. Hoyland, John S; The Man India Loved (CF Andrews); Lutterworth, London, 1944. Hoyt-Swift, Hildegarde; The Railroad to Freedom; London 1960. Ingle, H Larry; Quakers in Conflict: the Hicksite Reformation; Pendle Hill (US)... Jones, Rufus M; . The Story of George Fox; Macmillan, NY 1919. . Finding the Trail of Life; Allen & Unwin, London 1926. Kraus, Oskar; Albert Schweitzer, his Work and Philosophy; . Adam and Charles Blod, London, 1944; Gwen Foster donation. McGowan, James A; Station Master on the Underground Railroad; . the Life and Letters of Thomas Garrett who helped fugitive slaves; . Whimsie Press, Pennsylvania, 1977; Betty Taylor donation. Moore, Emily E; Travelling with Thomas Story (18thC); Letchworth Printers, . Hertfordshire, 1947; Introduction by Rufus Jones. Penn, William: . My Irish Journal 1669-1670; London 1952; Ed Isabel Grubb; .. Intro by Henry J Cadbury. . The Peace of Europe; The Fruits of Solitude and other writings; . London & USA 1993. Pritchard, Elizabeth; Testimony of a 'Whatnot' (India experience); . Ulster Friends Home Mission 2008. Punshon, John; Portrait in Grey; Quaker Home Service, London, 1986. Quaker History: . 2000: 89, 1; 2001: 90, 1,2; 2004: 93, 1,2; 2005: 94, 1... Ratter, Magnus C; Albert Schweitzer; Lindsey, London 1949. Robinson, Maude; Nicholas the Weaver; Swarthmore, London 1922, (2 copies) Robson, SE; Joshua Rowntree; Allen & Unwin, London 1916; . Special Adult School Edition. Rose, June; Elizabeth Fry; Quaker Home Service, London, 1994. Roseveare, Helen; Give Me This Mountain (autobiog); . Intervarsity Press, Leicester, 1966. Rowntree, Arthur; Whittier Crusader and Prophet; Headley bros, London; 1945. Shelf 4, left: Quaker Experience 2, Shelf 4, right: (space for returns box)Schweitzer, Albert; Gwen Foster donations:. Memoirs of Childhood and Youth; Allen & Unwin, 1923. . On the Edge of the Primeval Forest; Adam and Charles Blod, (1922-37). Skidmore, Gil (ed); Strength in Weakness: writings of 18thC Quaker women; . AltaMira (USA) 2003. Street, Lucie; His Excellency William Penn; Cassell 1942. Swift, Hildegard Hoyt; The Railroad to Freedom; Bodley Had, London, 1937. Sykes, John; The Quakers, Allan Wingate, 1958. Taylor, Ernest E; The Valiant Sixty; Bannisdale, London 1951. Vining, Elizabeth G; (Betty Taylor donations): . Friend of Life (Rufus M Jones); Lippincott, USA, 1958. . Quiet Pilgrmage (autobiog), Lippincott, USA, 1970. Vipont, Elfrida; Arnold Rowntree, a Life; Bannisdale, London, 1955. Webb, Maria (ed): . The Fells of Swarthmoor Hall and their Friends; London 1865. . The Penns & Peningtons of the Seventeenth Century; London 1867. Wilson, E Raymond; Thus Far my Journey (autobiog); . Friends United Press, USA, 1976. (Betty Taylor donation). Whitney, Janet; Geraldine S Cadbury:A Biography; Harrap 1948. Whitney, James; John Woolman, Quaker; Harrap 1943. Woolman, John; Journal and Major Essays; ed PP Moulton, . Friends United Press, USA, 1971-2001. (2 copies). Shelf 5, left: Junior 1, NarrativeArriens, Jan; Journey in the Light; Pronoun, London, 2007.Baresel, Judith; Good Friends; Quaker Books, London 2002 (2 copies) Brisby, Joyce L; Adventures of Milly-Molly-Mindy; Puffin 1928-92. Cormac, MG; Animal Tales from Ireland. Dickson, Margaret; The Boy who Ran Away. Dutt, Lelia; . Kingfisher Blue (2 copies) . Rubik's Cube. Elliot, Elizabeth; These Strange Ashes. Hadath, Gunby; The Swinger; London 1947 K K K The Quaker Bonnet A Child's Story, London MacMonagle, Niall (ed); Real Cool - Poems to Grow Up with; Marino, no date. Morse, Eugene; Exodus to a Hidden Valley; Fount 1975 Pressler, Mirjam; The Story of Anne Frank; Macmillan 1999; donation M-T Farrell. Quakers on the Move; a storybook of Quaker History 1652 to Today; . RSF USA 1996 (2 copies) Sandys, Sylvia; The Battle of Love. Schulz, CM; (peanuts) . Young Pillars . 'Teenager' is not a Disease Taylor, Marilyn; Faraway Home; O'Brien Press 1999-2006; donation M-T Farrell. Thomas, Edward; Quaker Adventures; 1945 Turnbull, Ann; Forged in the Fire (plague 1665); Walker 2006. Vipont, Elfrida; Colin Writes to Friends House; Bannisdale, London, 1934-57. Wilton, E M; A Ridiculous Idea, 1967 Shelf 5, right: Junior 2, PracticeBellamy, David; 101 Ways to Save the Earth; Frances Lincoln, London, 1991-2003.Chandler, Julie; His Messages Went Forth; USA 1948 Chipko and Appiko (forestry conservation) Christians and Sex Cooke, F; Your Light Must Shine Freeing Each Other: study pack on sexism; Quaker Home Service. Gale TL; Africa's Children George Fox Gilbert, Dorothy; Can I Make One? Harty, Feidhlim; Get Rid of your Bin and Save Money; Mercier 2009 Hedges, Sid E; Club Games and Activities; NSSU, London 1940 Imlah Dr N on the drug scene John Woolman Justice. Peace and the Integrity of Creation. Kittens and Puppies Leimdorfer, Tom; Once Upon a Conflict; 1992-2004 Magnets, Bulbs, Batteries PfP; The Anatomy of War; Preparing for Peace, RSF Westmoreland, 2005. Pollak, A; A Part of Ireland Now Refugee Lives; Comhlamh 2001 Royland, Marie; The Lloyds (family history) Sharing World Resources (2 copies) What to Look for in the Spring Wild Flowers Colour and Guide Book World Gathering of Young Friends, Lancaster 2005 Shelf 6, left: Junior 3, Bibles*Blyton, Enid; The Children's Life of Christ; London 1943 Beginners Bible Child's Bible in colour; The New Testament; London 1969 New Testament (Piccolo) 2 copies Bible Stories for Children, Nelson 1919 Picture Bible; new testament, Scripture Union 1973 Fount Children's Bible, ed Andrew Knowles Lawton, K; Mark 71 *Listen! Themes re-told for children Moses: Prince and Shepherd Shepherd Boy of Bethleham The Story of Joseph Stories Jesus Told Bible as re-told by Kossoff *Your Light Must Shine (Sermon on the Mount) Mare, Walter de la; Stories From the Bible; London 1961 Shelf 6, right: Junior 4, IntroductoryBeginners Bible for Toddlers; C N Baker & C Helms; Word 1995.Boritzer, Etan; What is God? Firefly, USA, 1990-2001. Child's Book of Irish Saints Crowing Cock Dolby, Karen; Chocolate Island Downey Duckling Ingoldsby, Pat; Zany Tales Moses HG; The Peoples Praise Rock, Lois; A First Look at God Sasso, Sandy Eisenberg & Stone, Phoebe; In God's Name; . Jewish Lights, USA, 1994-2004. Stories of Favourate Saints Stone, Mary K; Don't just do something, sit there! RMEP, Norwich, 1995-2003. Sweetland, Nancy & Stevens, Rick; God's Quiet Things; Lion, London, 1997-2004. Visual Scripture Book With Pipe and Drum Wood, Douglas & Andreasen, Dan; A Quiet Place; Aladdin, USA, 2003. Woog, Adam; What Makes Me a Quaker? Thomson Gale, US, 2005, Yolen, Jane; Friend - the Story of George Fox and the Quakers; . Quaker Press, US, 1072-2005.