Science, Technology and the Nation

Some current, recent and earlier publications by Dr Roy H W Johnston, Techne Associates,
mostly socio-economic, socio-technical, socio-political, some historical, in all cases related to the interaction of global scientific culture with the local national techno-economic culture, mostly in the Irish context.
(c)All this material is copyright to the author
As background to this work I have collected over the years a good few books, which I am in the process of listing in a (growing) classified catalogue. Any person or organisation interested in taking over selected volumes or groupings is welcome to contact me; the address can be reconstructed from roy at rjtechne dot ie. The index is in process of reconstruction, due to the disturbance of having moved house in 2011; I am only now getting tound to it. RHWJ April 2014.
- Objectives of this web-site.
- Links to selected professional, political, cultural and other related sites.
- 1. Current Work in Progress, subject to updating;
(primarily related to current politics, including the current 'decade of centenaries', as well as energy and other issues: this should mostly be regarded as 'work in progress' and subject to revision:)
- Some Philosophical Thoughts on War and Peace:: a Quaker-Humanist comparison.
- 'Hidden History': some research notes leading to a review and an analysis of a recent publication of a book in Scotland on WW1 origins.
- Ireland and World War 1: Implications of the Larne and Howth Gun-runnings: some aspects of British imperial strategy in 1904-14 relating to Germany and the war threat, suggesting a need for further research; see also in this context some notes on the political evolution of Erskine Childers;
- Some historical and contemporary comments on problems arising in industrial and finance capital, and on the role of the State in their solution (currently in process of development).
Earlier published material needing sequels or updates:
- 2. Energy System Analysis in Current Global Warming Situation:
- 3. Politics, Science, Technology, Socio-enconomics:
- An attempt to outline the 'Irish Question' to a British public in the London Progressive Journal, 2010.
- Birkbeck conference July 2008, in commemoration of 1968 events: Civil Rights and the Republican Movement, an insider's view, 1963-72.
- Limerick seminar June 2006: A Bernal Network: a Possible Approach?.
- Chapter on JD Bernal in Physicists of Ireland, published by the Institute of Physics, 2003;
- Selected book reviews relating to science;
- Miscellaneous Science Policy Papers 1970-2001, including some Sustainability ideas for Teagasc;
- The Boyle Medal of the RDS as a measure of scientific esteem: an account of the century 1899-1999;
- The Practical Arts in Irish Culture (Causeway, Belfast, Sept 1993);
- The British Association in Ireland (Crane Bag 1983, version cleaned up; there were many misprints!);
- In Search of Techne (Irish Times Science and Technology Column 1970-1976, grouped and edited).
- Selected book reviews having a political dimension.
- Current (2001) and historic (1970s) Science Policy Papers relevant to the Irish situation.
- Civil War in Ulster: an annotated
edition of my father's 1913 book has been re-published in 1999 by UCD Press; a table of contents and some sample chapters are given.
- Updating the Manifesto: an Irish Perspective on the 1848 Communist Manifesto of Marx and Engels (Paris 1998).
- Violence and the Nation-Building Process-Some Reflections on Irish National Identity; a paper read at the AGM of the Ulster Quaker Peace Committee on February 13 1988.
- 4. Colonial to Post-colonial Transition; Relevance of Irish Exprience:
- 5. Miscellaneous, Philosophical, occasionally useful:
Objectives of this web-site: a 'mission statement':
This web site is mainly a record of publications by RHWJ which explore the relationship between the evolving culture of science, with its roots in ancient Greece, mediaeval Islam, the European Renaissance and the Enlightenment, and the (also evolving) culture of Irish nationality, with its roots in a complex variety of local economic, social, political, linguistic and religious traditions.
It is also dedicated to exploring how this experience might be of value in other emergent nations making the transition from colonial to post-colonial status, and to fostering the convergence of all scientific specialist disciplines, including the physical, biological, social, economic and political sciences, towards a holistic philosophical dynamic.
The site is under continuous development and comments are welcome. The author may be contacted by e-mail, with an address which can be reconstructed from the URL of this site, according to convention.
Some navigational notes:
The foregoing gives an initial listing of the works covered in this site. In any of the modules, if a highlighted word is accompanied by a number, it brings up a footnote, or a hotlinked reference in a related reference-page. In most browsers, if you click on the 'Back' button, it will bring to to the point of departure in the document from which you came.
Copyright (c)Dr Roy Johnston 2012