![]() The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in IrelandSites of Quaker InterestQuaker-related sites in IrelandGlobal Networking among Friends: some insights from the world Quaker meeting in Dublin (August 2007).Inter-Friend Publishers maintains an archive which contains a selection of articles, talks, quotations, the titles of books of Quaker interest, and much other material. The Ulster Quaker Service Committee deals, inter alia, with Quaker Cottage Belfast and the Monica Barritt Quaker Visitors Centre for prisoners' families and friends at Maghaberry prison. Quaker House Belfast provides a Quaker presence and a centre for promoting good relations, peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland. Moyallon Residential Conference Centre. The Irish School of Ecumenics. There is a dedicated page for Friends Schools. Bloomfield Hospital and Care Centre, Dublin. The Dublin Monthly Meeting Peace Committee is developing a Quaker Peace Web-site which is aimed at the promotion of the Peace Testimony in practical terms in domains where Irish experience may be relevant.
InternationalThe Friends World Committee for Consultation ensures that Friends of different Yearly Meetings throughout the world keep in touch with each other, and gives support to isolated Friends.See also the Africa, Asia & West Pacific, Americas and Europe and Middle East sites. EuropeThe Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) is an independent Quaker NGO in Brussels. It works with the Council of Europe, NATO, OECD and other bodies. It represents Friends from twelve European countries, and its function is to promote the values of Friends in the European context.Friends' House, London (Britain Yearly Meeting); this give information of all kinds about Quakers in Britain. Also published from Friends' House is The Friend, a weekly independent Quaker journal published since 1843. Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, Birmingham, England. Young Friends General Meeting, Britain, with news and links about young Friends worldwide. Quakerism present and past depicted on 77 crewel embroidery "tapestry" panels attractively displayed in the Friends' Meeting House, Kendal, Cumbria. See also the Preparing for Peace website at http://www.preparingforpeace.org. Les Quakers en France (in French); Quakers in Germany (in German); and in the Netherlands (in Dutch)... See the Europe page of the FWCC/EMES site for additional links; these are usually in the local language. AmericaThere is an informal North American Friends site, run by Russ Nelson, which has a large network of links. For example:
There are many others, but these include ones which we picked up from Epistles sent to Ireland YM 2004, or contacts made subsequently. In the USA there is also the Friends General Conference in Philadelphia which unites the unprogrammed yearly meetings; a map of their locations is given.
A Declaration of Peace in 28 languages from the Saint Louis Monthly Meeting AustraliaJudith Pembleton, Yearly Meeting Secretary, Australia Yearly MeetingReligious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia PO Box 556, Kenmore, QUEENSLAND 4069, AUSTRALIA Phone 617 3374 0135 [07 3374 0135 within Australia]; Fax 07 3374 0317 Email: YMsecretary at quakers dot org dot au Website: www.quakers.org.au
Sites of religious, philosophical, historical or other research interestWe include here sites selected on the basis that they have expressed an interest in setting up a mutual linkage arrangement. Enquiries should go to the Editor John Grubb (johnagrubb at eircom dot net).The Dublin inter-Church Group. The Eco Congregation Ireland site gives access to an inter-denominational ecological project; see article by Natasha Harty in the June/July 2007 Friendly Word. The Irish United Nations Association (IUNA), of which the objectives are '..to promote international and humanitarian understanding and to make known in Ireland the aims and activities of the United Nations and its specialised agencies..'.