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The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Ireland

The World Family of Friends

Within a few years of the beginning of the Society in 1652, Friends had spread widely. Growth was particularly rapid in North America, though Quakerism never managed to attract or hold large numbers on the continent of Europe.

ramallah school, palestine

Friends' School Ramallah, Palestine.

In the last century evangelical Friends, from their base in the United States, have gained many adherents in Central and South America, and in Kenya. Their Meetings for Worship are more structured, with pastors, sermons and hymns, than would be the case in Europe or eastern USA.

tarima church, tanzania

Tarime Friends' Church, Tanzania

The Friends World Committee for Consultation facilitates contact between Yearly Meetings, small groups and isolated Friends around the world. Each Yearly Meeting is autonomous, and there is considerable diversity.

quaker tapestry

Quaker Tapestry Scheme©.

In June 2005 the numbers were as follows.

Europe and Middle East: in Britain there are 15,775, in Ireland 1,565, in Moscow 13 and elsewhere 983, giving a regional total 18,336.

In Asia & West Pacific there are in Australia and New Zealand 1,549, in Korea 12 and elsewhere 13,105, giving a regional total 14,666.

In the Americas in the United States there are 119,056, in Bolivia 31,130, in Guatemala 20,630, in Colombia 20 and elsewhere 6,724, giving a regional total 177,560.

In Africa there are in Kenya 133,825, in Central South Africa 144, and elsewhere 23,184, giving a regional total 157,153.

There are 67 International members, giving a grand total of 367,782.

keragola, tanzania

Kergola 'Friends Church', Tanzania.

More information is available on:

http://www.quaker.org (North American Meetings)
http://www.quaker.org.uk (Britain Yearly Meeting)
http://fwcc.quaker.org/index.html (Friends World Committee.for Consultation)

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